About us
We present you with the welding equipment of the Finish company Kemppi Oy. At the website you will find all the necessary information, but if you have doubts or do not know what is best for you, please contact us. Our specialists will select the best solution.
Majority of our team are welding technicians with over a dozen years of experience in the industry.
In total, our experience is over 80 years of work.
We are a group of people who know their job well. We strive to provide everyone with best advice and choose the best solution.
Kemppi invited us to its team in 2008. They trusted us and were not disappointed, and our cooperation continues to date. We try to follow the values of Kemppi, which in a way became our own. Being resourceful, inquisitive and responsive to new technologies is what we like most. If it is combined with honesty and respect to others, there is really nothing more you need.
Service and warranty
In our seat we offer authorised warranty and post-warrant service of welding equipment of KEMPPI, confirmed with relevant certificates.
We render the highest quality services, based on professional diagnostic devices, which allows to reduce the repair time.
We use original subassemblies of Kemppi for repairs which ensures machines are kept in the working condition for many years.
We offer you:
- warranty repairs,
- post-warranty repairs,
- periodical servicing,
- calibration of indicators,
- measurements of shock protection of welding equipment,
- sales of service subassemblies.
Upon the customer’s request, we issue a report on service, shock protection measurement and calibration of indicators.
We prepare a quotation of repair before starting to process an order.
Authorised Premium Dealer
PROWELD sp. z o.o. sp. k.
ul. Sikorskiego 102
44-103 Gliwice, Poland
NIP: 631-255-43-90
KRS: 0000569070
Sąd Rejonowy w Gliwicach, X Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego
PLN bank account: 03 1750 0012 0000 0000 3012 2623
EUR bank account: 78 1750 0012 0000 0000 3012 2728
tel.: 32 231 50 05
tel.: 32 279 10 46
fax: 32 279 10 46
e-mail: kemppi@proweld.com.pl
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 16:30
Contact form
Do you have any questions or need a quotation?
Fill in the form and we will respond to your message within 48h.
Our employees